Hello Friends,
Back once again with my final Mother’s Day card of this season (I think)! I’ve been doing a lot of outdoor yard work the last couple of weeks, prepping flowerbeds and planting flowers. The last couple of summers, I’ve not planted anything new in our yard because the deer just eat up everything I plant! However, I love caring for my yard and find it somehow therapeutic after a long day, to unwind while watering my flowers in the evening.
So, I did my research thoroughly (again), and went to town for the purpose of buying plants that deer WILL NOT eat!!! I checked my deer-resistant plant list once, and checked it again. I made my selections and then checked my list again. I even asked the gal at the nursery to check my cart to ensure I had only the hardiest of deer-resistant plants. She told me I had done well… there was nothing on my cart the deer should ravage too badly.
Of course, if you live with deer about, you know as well as I do, they will sample ANYTHING… just to find out if they like it or not!
So with fingers crossed, some hope, and a little prayer, I set about planting my new plants: clematis, hardy geraniums (perennial), cape fuschias, lavender, salvia, coreopsis, daylilies and a butterfly bush.
All the while I’m planting, I had an audience.

They were just waiting for me to disappear so they could come check out the new salad bar offerings.
Such beautiful but tender little morsels…

The next morning I was eager to get outside and make sure my plants were still there. So, boots on and coffee in hand, out I went only to find that the deer are NOT playing by the rules!!! They apparently didn’t read the same “deer-resistant list” that I did!!
They ate one of my new clematis to the ground but did leave the other one alone. The hardy geraniums are missing all of their flower buds and a few leaves; same for the coreopsis. The salvia they’ve left alone (so far), as have they the cape fuschias and daylilies. My butterfly bush, they’ve eaten the tips off each branch but I’m hopeful it will make a strong comeback!
My husband just smiled that knowing little smile (or maybe it’s an “I told you so” smile), gave me a hug and started a fire in our firepit. We pulled a couple chairs around and simply sat and admired our beautiful surroundings. It was a gorgeous morning and a reminder to be thankful for what landscaping they HAVE left alone over the years! We are surely blessed to live with deer as our neighbors… at least they’re quiet!

Today, after looking around on Pinterest for “recipes” for homemade deer repellent, things are about to get stinky!!!
By most accounts, 3 eggs, a couple tablespoons of milk, garlic, cayenne pepper, and a little vegetable oil all thoroughly mixed into a gallon of water and left to sit for at least 24 hours to allow the eggs to rot, and then sprayed on your plants will do the trick. The deer don’t like the smell and therefore leave the plants alone. If they do get past the smell, the cayenne pepper turns them off. Supposedly, once the mixture dries on the plants, it’s undetectable to human noses. I sure hope so!!! I’ll keep y’all posted as to whether it works or not!!!
But, on to today’s card. I sorted through my container of “extra” die-cuts for inspiration today. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time throwing those extras away, so I put them all in a rectangular plastic container… just in case I need them for some other card!
What I came up with was the branch/leaves from an old retired die set, “Petals and More”. (It coordinated with Petal Palette stamp set, also retired).
As mentioned, I planted a couple new clematis, and I thought that the “branch” could look like a flowering-type vine, and as I don’t have a trellis stamp or die, a Pearlized Doily cut down could simulate the top of a trellis. I love climbing roses, but again… the deer; therefore I don’t have any! Herein was my inspiration!
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