Stampin' Up Dragonfly Garden

We Can All Use A Miracle Now & Then; I’m Sharing Mine

Hello Friends!

Let me start by wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Secondly, I want to apologize for disappearing for the past several weeks.  It was not my intention to drop off like that, but as I’m sure you all know…life happens.

Where Have I Been?

I’ve been battling about a 6-week-long, ongoing migraine-type headache which significantly limits my ability to function normally.  My bed, the couch, and an icebag have been my very best friends these past several weeks, while my neurologist works with my medications and getting me some relief.

What I’m sharing here is quite personal, however, I believe we all need a miracle now and then and I want to share my “miracle experience” with you.

My History:

Some of you may know that about six years ago I suddenly began having seizures and was diagnosed with a brain tumor, specifically, an astrocytoma (malignant brain tumor).  While I’ve known Jesus as my Lord and Savior my entire life, in that time I learned to pray in an ever more fervent manner, literally crying out to God, asking for a miracle and believing that one was coming my way.  I was on more prayer chains across this entire country than I’m sure I even know, with literally hundreds (thousands?) of people praying for me.  A truly humbling experience for sure.

I try to tell the story of what God has done for me every chance I get, but I haven’t told you, my stamping friends.  I promised God four years ago I would tell the world about my miracle, and well, this is the world-wide-web.  What better place to share than right here?

The following is my story as written by me in 2016 and posted on Facebook.  I’m copying and pasting it in, as my headache prevents me from spending much “screen time” right now.  If you’re not a “believer”, I would ask that you humor me and read my story and then do some real soul-searching.  The bible tells us that in the end times, world events will occur much like a woman giving birth – the contractions getting stronger and closer together until the day that Jesus returns.  I don’t know about you, but with the natural events over the past handful of years – hurricanes, wildfires, etc. and the social-political storms going on, I’m feeling it.  None of us knows what day or hour He will return, but I do believe we’re getting ever closer.  Again, if you’re not a “believer” I would simply ask you to read this, and then ask yourself, “What if I’m wrong and she’s right?”.

From 2016:

Okay,  I’m going to attempt to put into words that which there are no sufficient words to express.

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